Saturday, September 26, 2015


So we're a little "late" with updating the page.  We as a group have surpassed 400 members across the six states.  We have released our third anthology Wicked Tales.  And we keep on growing and getting better.

Some general group news, several of our members were asked to participate in the anthology Snowbound With Zombies, a charitable book, with all proceeds going to the John Greenleaf Whittier foundation.

Snowbound with Zombies

We have had great showings at a number of conventions recently, NECON, Anthocon, we had our first Maine excursion to Portcin Maine, Necronomicon - Providence, NH Comic Con.  What's next?

On October 3rd, several members will be participating in the first Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival .  It runs from 1PM to 7(ish) PM there will be all day paensl, ending with a live reading of Jeckyll and Hyde.  Do visit the FB page (follow the link) and check out the list of authors and the schedules.  Books will be on sale from most of the guests, some from The Andover Bookstore and some of the guests will have their own tables.

October 16-18 brings us to Rock and Shock.  The NEHW will be giving a free workshop on Short Story Writing and we'll also be involved in the Saturday Writers' Panel.

11/6 - 11/8 we're at Rhode Island Comic Con

11/21 - 11/22 we're at SuperMegaFest We're giving two panels during the course of the weekend.

And the last show (in theory) of 2015 is North East Comic Con