Monday, November 16, 2015

End of Days or... End of 2015 at least

The convention season for the NEHW as a group is winding down with 2 shows left this year.

Super Mega Fest and Northeast Comic Con.  After that unless something hits us in the head we'll likely be taking a couple months off from the rotation.  But we are always looking for new shows to do - no craft fairs though - if you have any ideas, feel free to run them past us via email.

We invaded Maine this year for the first time.  Next year we're hoping to hit VT and CT.

We're also looking for a location for the holiday party, that doesn't involve someone's house or apartment.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

October - our time of the year.

When people think October I know lots lean towards box-store costumes and bulk bags of candy.  I for one (Scott) lean towards how many horror movies can I cram in this month, along with working, writing/editing and of course reading.  As I look over the crowded bookshelves I think "What next?"  And I don't know.  So in celebration of "What's Next?" The NEHW will have a small table at the Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival.  The brain child of Christopher Golden, this 1/2 day event will feature local and some not so local authors. 

The event runs today from 1-730 in North Andover and I am very happy (?) to say the thing is sold out.  It is a free event, and the free tickets were for crown control.  So sadly if you don't have a ticket, you won't be getting in.

"What's next?" I know several friends have new releases out, so as I'm looking through tables, maybe I'll find the "What's next?" book or maybe dig a little deeper into my Kindle and check out what I have forgotten about buying.

At the NEHW table is Jan Kozlowski, Kristin Dearborn, TT Zuma, Phil Perron and Scott Goudsward.  Holly Newstein will be signing at the table for a short while also.  Here is the panel/reading schedule for today:

1pm: Childhood Horrors—Paul Tremblay, Thomas Sniegoski, Holly Newstein Hautala, Scott Goudsward, Mallory O'Meara (M)
2pm: Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Horror—Christopher Golden (M), Rio Youers, John Langan, Leigh Perry, Dana Cameron
3pm: The New England Horror Tradition—Jack M. Haringa (M), Caitlin Kittredge, Jason Ciaramella, Glenn Chadbourne, John M. McIlveen
4pm: The Anatomy of Horror: What is Scary?—Sarah Langan, Kelly Link, Myke Cole, Errick Nunnally (M), Kat Howard
5pm: We Get the Horror We Deserve—Joe Hill, Brian Keene, Izzy Lee, Mary SanGiovanni, Bracken MacLeod (M)
6pm: Live Reading THE STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL & MR. HYDE—Jack M. Haringa, Bracken MacLeod, Brian Keene, Kat Howard, John Langan, Gardner Goldsmith

Hope to see you there.


Saturday, September 26, 2015


So we're a little "late" with updating the page.  We as a group have surpassed 400 members across the six states.  We have released our third anthology Wicked Tales.  And we keep on growing and getting better.

Some general group news, several of our members were asked to participate in the anthology Snowbound With Zombies, a charitable book, with all proceeds going to the John Greenleaf Whittier foundation.

Snowbound with Zombies

We have had great showings at a number of conventions recently, NECON, Anthocon, we had our first Maine excursion to Portcin Maine, Necronomicon - Providence, NH Comic Con.  What's next?

On October 3rd, several members will be participating in the first Merrimack Valley Halloween Book Festival .  It runs from 1PM to 7(ish) PM there will be all day paensl, ending with a live reading of Jeckyll and Hyde.  Do visit the FB page (follow the link) and check out the list of authors and the schedules.  Books will be on sale from most of the guests, some from The Andover Bookstore and some of the guests will have their own tables.

October 16-18 brings us to Rock and Shock.  The NEHW will be giving a free workshop on Short Story Writing and we'll also be involved in the Saturday Writers' Panel.

11/6 - 11/8 we're at Rhode Island Comic Con

11/21 - 11/22 we're at SuperMegaFest We're giving two panels during the course of the weekend.

And the last show (in theory) of 2015 is North East Comic Con

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wicked Tales

The book will drop on Saturday 6/6 at Anthoncon in Portsmouth NH

We'll be doing a reading on 6/7 at 11AM from Wicked Tales.  Reading will will be:

EA Black, Trisha Wooldridge. Rob Smales, David North-Martino, John McIlveen and Kristin Dearborn.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Blog

Working on the blog site, it will change, a lot.  Trying to get this working properly.

While you ponder that, check out our FB group.

FB Group

Friday, April 10, 2015


Next weekend we're doing our first show of the year in Marlborough MA at Supermegafest.

On hand for the weekend will be David Price, T Stephens, Travis Smith, Rich Feitelberg, Gordon Bean and Scott Goudsward.  They will be on hand signing and selling books.  They're also conducting 2 panels, the first The Basics of Getting Published, the 2nd, Self Publishing 101.

Come on by, say hello.  Rumor has there will be a few more members scattered about at their own tables - Look for Chris Philbrook and Stacey Longo.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The new anthology

Announcing NEHW's third anthology!
Wicked Tales: The Journal of the New England Horror Writers, Volume 3.

Here's the official line-up:

Kristin Dearborn                           Somebody's Darling   
Rob Smales                                   Keepsakes
Christopher Golden                      The Hiss of Escaping Air
Howard Odentz                             Handsome
E. A. Black                                    Fog Over Mons
Paul McMahon                              Bitemarks       
Trisha J. Wooldridge                     Crocodile Below
Bracken MacLeod                         The Blood and the Body
K. H. Vaughan                               The Opacity of Saints
Holly Newstein                              Live With It
Rick Hautala                                  Love on the Rocks
Peter N Dudar & L.L. Soares  The Sweet Smell of Baby’s Breath
Sam Gafford                                   My Brother's Keeper
T.T. Zuma                                       The Pawnshop
Matthew Barlett                             Master of Worms
David North-Martino                     Sat Down Inside her
John Goodrich                               Odd Grimson
Timothy P. Flynn                           A Rhythmic Creation of the Damned (poem)
Michael J. Arruda                          Created Woman
John Mclveen                                Eve

Introduction by Chet Williamson
Cover art by Ogmios

We are so incredibly thrilled and pleased to present this.  The book is scheduled to drop at Anthocon in June in Portsmouth NH.